After a lovely time in the USA, my stay there has drawn to a close. I am now safely home in Cape Town, South Africa.
My friend Lisa dropped me off at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on Sunday afternoon and a little over 36 hours later, this past Tuesday, I walked out of International Arrivals at Cape Town International Airport. My flights were largely uneventful - apart from when I spilled

coke and ice all over my pants... I would blame it on turbulence, but alas at that time there was none. I was going through my photos on my camera and attempting to drink coke at the same time... not a good combination. Thankfully my camera didn't get wet. Good times in the skies.
At Cape Town International my parents and nephew Rhyenn were there to pick me up and it was great to see my family again back at 6 Norfolk Lane - and of course my Scruffy-dog!

So now the next few days the focus turns to Benin as I prepare myself to return to the Mercy Ship come September 3rd. I have quite a long list of things that need to be done in the next five or so weeks, so it'll be a busy time... And the most exciting family news is that my sister is expecting her second boy and my second nephew in the next week or two so stay posted for photos of him - when he arrives!
Thanks for all your continued support, prayers, and e-mails. They are appreciated! Until the next time, from a cold and wintery Cape Town, God bless!

*The majority of the photos here were taken on final approach into Cape Town International - looking down on the mountains and suburbs of Cape Town from my South African Airways flight from London Heathrow. We came down the West Coast of South Africa and flew over the Cape Peninsula (as seen in these photos) before banking left over False Bay and approaching Cape Town International on a southerly approach - flying into the northerly wind. The other photo here is of Lisa and her family in Richardson, Texas.