After a fantastic two weeks in Cape Town, it was time to say farewell and head back to Indiana. We said some sad farewells over our final few days in Cape Town, and then Mom and Dad drove us to Cape Town International Airport at lunch-time on Tuesday, 21st March. Photo above left of the view out of the plane's window in Cape Town.
We said our final goodbyes to my parents, who were very sad to see us go, and then went through security and were soon on our domestic Kulula flight from Cape Town to Johannesburg. We had four hours in Johannesburg and were soon back on our Delta flight from Jo'burg to Atlanta and then Atlanta to Indianapolis. Photo above right of us taxiing to the runway in Atlanta during our final flight. All flights went really well (Riaan, again, did awesome!) and all the airlines we travelled with on this trip were fantastic. Delta also get top marks for ensuring that we had an extra seat between us on both the long flights there and back again. :)

Candace's parents met us at Indianapolis International Airport and they drove us home again - to a very excited Rusty. It's definitely bittersweet being home in Indiana and it really feels as if our hearts are torn in many directions. We have homes in South Africa and America, and we even have a home that floats on the sea - where we met almost six years ago. It's a difficult place to be in emotionally. But we're figuring things out! :)
Driving along the N2 freeway towards Cape Town International Airport.
Approaching Cape Town International.
Riaan and Candace in the cable car display at the airport.
Family selfie on our Kulula flight to Johannesburg.
Clouds in the South African skies.
View looking forward on our Delta flight to Atlanta.
View outside my window as the day begins to dawn.
On the ground in Atlanta.
Onboard our final flight to Indianapolis.
Flying over Indiana farmland.
Our final plane safely on the tarmac at Indianapolis.