Our first weekend on Tristan was an eventful one. We visited Hottentot Beach, pictured here, on Saturday. (14th September.) This is the closest beach to the Settlement of Edinburgh. Here we found many buoys and other objects cast up onto the beach by the ferocious waves. We also walked round to Calshot Harbour, where we saw the fishing boats laid up on the quayside. They were all neatly packed and ready for the next fishing day.

After church on Sunday we went out past the Potato Patches and marked lambs with the islanders. They mark lambs with a unique mark to determine ownership. We then decided to climb the New Volcano, towering above the village, in the afternoon. The New Volcano erupted close to the Settlement in 1961, resulting in the forced exile of the entire island population to the United Kingdom. After two years abroad, the islanders were allowed to return home to their peaceful home. The hike takes a little less than an hour and gives one a lovely view over Edinburgh and the surrounding fields.
Black, volcanic sand beaches are the norm on Tristan.
Lifeboats and other nautical debris near the harbour.
Nope, it's not a large lollipop - it's a large buoy on Hottentot Beach!
Baby crayfish washed up on the beach.
Marking lambs out past the Potato Patches.
Sheep graze on the slopes of the plateau.
The route to the New Volcano.
View of Edinburgh as we walk up the New Volcano.
The New Volcano is just above and to the left of the thatched house museum.
A large piece of lava landed in a position that makes it look like a Rockhopper Penguin!
With my parents near the summit.
Candace and I with Edinburgh below us.
We scrambled up a grass slope to get a better view of the New Volcano's crater!