Wednesday 23 July 2014

Farewell Cape Town...

It is now only a few hours before Candace and I begin our travels to Indiana. My visa interview went well and we are so thankful to be reunited and travelling together again. But that being said there have been some sad farewells on this side as we say goodbye to my family here in Cape Town. We have tried to see all of my friends and family over the past week or so. It has been sad saying these farewells, but we are thankful for how God has led and guided us through the past year and a half since we began this process. We also know that we will certainly be back every now and then to visit, so it is not truly "Goodbye", but rather "See you later!"

On Sunday we had a family farewell braai (barbecue) with my whole family and aunt and cousin's family. It was lovely being together for one last South African braai. I'm definitely bringing the braaiing tradition to Indiana! :-) Thanks for reading - more when we're on the US side of the Atlantic! Much love!

Jesse jumping on the trampoline in the back garden.
Rhyenn doing an experiment.
Rhyenn and Jesse.
Flicka, the family dog.
Sibling photo shoot.

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