Saturday 5 September 2020

Harvesting the Sunflower...

We took our giant sunflower down several weeks ago. As you can see, the flower was massive! I decided to harvest the sunflower seeds, although to be honest the rewards didn't quite measure up against the effort of the whole task. I first pulled out the sunflower seeds and boiled them in a pot of salted water. I then sprinkled them on a roasting pan and put them in the oven. Once they had roasted evenly and were completely dry, I pulled the pans out and let them cool. The results were mixed, as a large percentage of the seeds had failed to develop. But the ones that did were still quite tasty! 

Half the seeds out. It made a pretty cool pattern.

The seeds in the pot.

On the roasting pan.

Dried sunflower seeds in the biscuit container.

An open sunflower seed showing the edible part inside.

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