I had not intended to wait a full two weeks since my "Blog Silence" post to post another blog, but such is the busyness of life right now. :) Anyway, let's get back to it. To begin, I need to go back a few months.
Earlier this year, both Candace and I felt called to move from southern Indiana to Michigan. Horizons International has wanted to have staff on the ground in the Dearborn area of Michigan, and we felt as if God was opening the door for an eventual move to the area. We promptly listed our house in April and, within a day of it being on the market, we had received an offer for our home! We accepted the offer, and the process went smoothly along. Both Candace and I were filled with a sense of wonder and Ephesians 3: 20 was in our mind throughout the process:
"He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine..."
It was during this process that we undertook an
investigative visit to Dearborn in early May, and during this trip we connected with a realtor who showed us many houses over the weekend. None of them were the house for us, and even though we still did not have a home in Michigan, we both felt a sense of peace that the Lord would provide for us.
We officially signed over our house on the 19th of May and continued the process of packing up and moving items into storage - both in Indiana and in Michigan! I have a new respect for truck drivers after driving a large UHaul moving truck six hours across Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan! Our realtor continued to virtually show us houses in Dearborn and the surrounding areas, but more often than not, we found the competition too hot. Most times, people were putting in offers $10,000 above an asking price, which was something we could not afford to do.
But God had another plan in store for us. We found a house within five minutes of Dearborn in Detroit itself, and well within our budget. Our realtor went and checked it out for us, and that same night we put in our offer - which was accepted the next day! It was a huge answer to prayer, since houses in Detroit are generally much cheaper than other areas.

In the meantime, we continued to pack up our Indiana home and prepare for our move to Michigan. It certainly adds another dimension when you're not only packing up to move to a house in a different state, but also packing for an international trip and trying to keep track of passports and all the other items to take with you on the overseas travels. We had everything out of our Indiana home by the second week of June - and handed over our keys to the new owners on Monday, 12th June. It was somewhat bittersweet leaving our Indiana home, pictured here. And just two days later, we were flying across the Atlantic Ocean to Scotland! But I'll leave those adventures for the next blog. :)
*All photos here are from packing up and leaving our Washington, Indiana, home.