Thursday 19 September 2024

Michigan Monarchs...

Two monarch caterpillars that we found on our milkweed transformed to beautiful butterflies last weekend. They were the first monarchs that we found in our garden since moving to Michigan. We watched the amazing process right before church on Sunday morning. :)

Camouflaged caterpillar hiding in the milkweed blooms.
One of the two monarch caterpillars.
Hanging from the top of the cage - shortly after transforming from caterpillar into chrysalis.
The chrysalis turns dark as the butterfly prepares to emerge. The orange of the wings is clearly visible.
Dangling under the remains of the chrysalis. 
An amazing biology lesson!
The butterfly pumps fluid from its body to its wings.
The other monarch emerged shortly afterwards.
Resting in a tree a few hours later. :)

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