Saturday 9 September 2023

Kelvingrove Museum... and a Mercy Ships reunion!

Mom, together with Candace and the children, headed off to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in the morning of Tuesday, 27th June, while I walked into Glasgow for a bit (where I picked up some yummy fish and chips for lunch!) before doing some remote work.

Shortly after 15h00, I was picked up by my old Mercy Ships friend, Peter, who served with me on the Africa Mercy in Liberia, 2008. He is also married to an American nurse - and they also met on the Mercy Ship in Liberia. They live in Glasgow and Peter serves as the Associate Pastor at an area church, which also ministers to many people from the Middle East. 

We drove over to the Kelvingrove Museum where we met up with Candace and the children. Together, we spent an hour or so catching up and browsing in this large museum. It had been fifteen years since we had last seen each other, but as with all Mercy Ships friendships, the years disappeared and we picked up where we left off all those years ago. :)

The museum has an original Spitfire hanging from the ceiling - which I somehow missed even though I was standing right under it, looking at the elephants!
The elephant calf which had me mesmerized - when there was a Spitfire just feet above me!
There is a fantastic working organ - and they play music at set times during the day.
Salvador Dali's Christ of St John of the Cross.
Real haggis at right; imaginary haggis animal at left. :)
Highland calf.
Wandering albatross.
With Peter and Lindsay outside the museum. :) Love Mercy Ships reunions!

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