Over the last three or so weeks the Logos Hope has been docked in Tema Port in Ghana, about four hours away from the Africa Mercy. When I first heard that this special ship would be so close to our ship, I made it my mission to go and see her and the work that Operation Mobilisation does through their floating book store.
And so this past weekend Phil and Ali and myself headed over the
We were shown to our cabins and then had a lovely lunch in their dining room - where they have powdered milk that tastes like real milk, by the way (I had about four glasses of the good stuff). After lunch on Saturday we had a tour of the ship and were shown the Bridge, Engine Room, the Hope Theatre (a two-deck high theatre in the aft of the ship, fitted with real stage lights and A/V equipment), the book fair, and many other places of interest.
Paul, the First En
This was such an awesome experience, just to be part of another floating mission aimed at bringing knowledge to the masses. It was especially special since on the Mercy Ship I work in a job which requires me to be in my office from 8 - 5, Monday to Friday. And while my role onboard as the Assistant Purser is very necessary and I do enjoy it, I do miss being able to get out from the ship and interact with the local community. I know that the OM people were very happy to have the extra numbers out in the lines - and we enjoyed the experience too. It was somewhat comparable to a screening day - although with perhaps less numbers and less desperation. Altogether, Saturday saw 7,944 people tour the ship's book store - a record for the Logos Hope. It's not often that you can say you worked with two ship-based mission organisations in the space of 24 hours!
Sunday dawned with breakfast followed by a visit to the large book fair, the main ministry of OM Ships. The whole of Deck 4 is an amazing visitor experience, starting with the safety orientation in seats shaped like that of a lifeboat. From here you walk past a wall commemorating the history of OM Ships and then enter the book store. Their book store easily rivals that of Exclusive Books, one of the major book shop chains back in South Africa. You then walk through a section showing the story of the Prodigal Son in pictures and audio, and from here head into the International Cafe, where you can enjoy self-serve ice-cream and popcorn.
In the book fair I bou
And shortly after the service, having had a lovely time on the Logos Hope, it was time to head back to our own floating home docked a relatively short journey away. Before long we were walking up the gangway of the Africa Mercy, with plenty of gratitude for a lovely weekend with good friends and being able to see another ship ministry in operation. I'll remember my trip to the Logos Hope for some time to come.
Here are some more photos from our trip to the OM Ship...
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