Wednesday 16 February 2022

Final Afternoon in Cape Town...

Once we were back at my parents' house, we had a bite to eat and enjoyed spending time there. I walked around the garden and the house while Riaan, Eliza and Anya played and had stories read to them. After saying a sad farewell to Flicka, we went back to Shirley and Montassir's house for the remainder of the afternoon.

We sorted out our COVID test results (which had some spelling mistakes), did final packing and luggage checks, and then enjoyed flapjacks for afternoon tea with the family. My cousin Adrian also popped round to say farewell - and to see Candace and meet Eliza and Anya for the first time. Riaan and I spent time at Adrian's house on the Monday (December 27th) afternoon - when Riaan had a playdate with Adrian's son Matthew.

Before too long, it was almost 17h00 (5pm) and we were loading up our luggage into the cars and saying sad farewells to Montassir, Rhyenn and Jesse. Shirley and my parents drove us to the airport in two cars. It was very sad leaving 22 Silveroak Avenue, which had been a relaxing home base for the previous almost-three weeks. Thanks to all our Cape Town family for making this trip to South Africa such a wonderful, special time! :)

View of my parents' house and the back stoep from the back garden.
The hut.
The braai.
Another view of the stoep with Riaan, Candace and Anya.
Grandad showing Riaan his MG car collection.
Riaan on the raised bed upstairs.
Eliza pushing Anya through the dining room.
Special snuggles with Grandad.
Eliza and Adrian.
Soaking up family time before our departure.
Grandad enjoying his cup of tea.
Riaan working out some of his energy with Jesse before the long flight.
Conversations in the kitchen/lounge area.
Sad farewells. Riaan wore Rhyenn's old Shark helmet - given to him by Rhyenn - as we headed off to Cape Town International Airport.

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