Sunday 11 October 2009

Fire Drill Thursdays...

Every so often we do drills here on the ship in order to keep the crew well-trained in the event of an emergency situation. Fire Teams and other emergency groups will respond in a real situation as their training has taught them. Thus, this training needs to be good and needs to simulate a real situation as closely as possible. And so scenarios are set-up that allow all emergency teams to gain practice and confidence in their respective roles.

The last fire drill we did simulated a weekend emergency when many crew members (and emergency team members) were off-ship. I was one of those emergency team members "scanned ashore" and thus had the afternoon off. It was my first fire drill I have had off in over 14 months (combined) with Mercy Ships. I watched the drill from the Bridge.

The teams did an outstanding job in "fighting a fire" with depleted emergency teams. Muster Control (Reception), where I usually muster, also did a great job in accounting for all crew and day volunteers quickly. Photos here of the muster on the dock courtesy of Rob Cairncross.

This is Muster Control at Reception.

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