Tuesday 23 August 2022

Monarch Transformation...

Candace saw a monarch laying eggs on our common milkweed plant recently. She went and brought one leaf inside - which had a tiny egg on it - and we tracked its progress from egg to butterfly. A full 23 days from egg to beautiful butterfly! 

I tried to get regular photos as the caterpillar grew and changed into a chrysalis and then a butterfly. It was a real-life biology lesson when the monarch butterfly emerged this past Saturday! :)

The head of the caterpillar is just visible as it emerges out of its tiny egg.
The newly-hatched caterpillar.
Slowly getting bigger...
... And bigger!
Almost the right size...
And now ready to turn into a chrysalis.
It went to the top of the butterfly container and transformed into a chrysalis...
Shedding its caterpillar skin!
The chrysalis turned darker - with the orange tinge of the butterfly's wings - prior to the butterfly emerging.
The newly-hatched butterfly has tiny wings and a fat abdomen.
The butterfly pumps blood from its abdomen to the wings to make them much larger.
Slowly getting bigger...
Until she's a beautiful butterfly - ready to fly away!
It was fantastic sharing this special moment with the kiddos!

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