Tuesday 13 December 2011

Welcome break...

One of the most popular places to be during the sail is on the bow, and no time is more popular than directly after supper, when the sun is slowly slipping beneath the waves. Mercy Shippers love to frequent the bow at this time, after a hard day's work. Spontaneous worship music breaks out, as does the laughter and chatter of good friends reliving stories from the last Field Service.

It seems strange but being out on the open ocean, when we are not performing surgeries and healing people, the community onboard seems closer together - for once we don't have a constant stream of arrivals and departures to disrupt our daily lives, and everyone seems content. There are no patients to be concerned about, and those worries seem far away.

The challenges of the past seem but a distant memory when sailing - and as we sail closer to our destination, you almost will the ship to slow down, so that you can savour at least one more day at sea, away from the many complications and difficulties of living in a commercial port. At least, that's certainly how I feel when sailing... But that's just my opinion. I am able to look at the bigger picture and see the greater good for which Mercy Ships stands. I've seen the hope and healing that Mercy Ships provide, and I'm excited for our future Field Services and the 1000s of people we can reach through the amazing tool of the M/V Africa Mercy. As cliched as it is to say (in Mercy Ships circles), I know that Mercy truly is on its way - even when we are enjoying a deserved break!

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