Thursday 14 June 2012

Divers in the water...

The Mercy Ships Dive Team were doing some routine maintenance work on the hull of the Africa Mercy earlier this week. They check the intakes of our A/C vents and cooling systems. If rubbish were to clog these intakes there could be a serious problem, leading to a possible unexpected blackout. That is why it's so important to ensure that they are clear of rubbish. The propellers are also inspected to make sure that they are ready for the long sail up to Tenerife.

These guys and girls have had to dive in some atrocious conditions - especially during our last Field Service in Sierra Leone. The rubbish was so thick in the sea there that often you couldn't see the water! It goes without saying that diving was quite a challenge in Freetown! The clear waters of Togo must be a welcome break!

Lowering the divers into the water.

 Down they go!

One of the divers enters the water.

Securing the crash boat to hoist it back to the deck.

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